Dormant Trait Utility

Founding StarGarden (FSG) owners receive Prelüde ingredients from their dormant traits.

During the Prelüde event, on a monthly basis, you are able to redeem ingredients being produced from the dormant traits on your FSGs. You can redeem these ingredients in your inventory/base.

Rarer dormant traits provide rarer and a higher quantity of ingredients. The rarest dormant traits are exceptionally rare (only about 10 of each type are in existence) and give you a very large quantity of ingredients.

The first ingredient release from the FSG’s becomes available at the start of Prelüde, and over the course of 5 months there are 5 more disbursements, for a total of 6 distributions. You decide when to release them once they are available, so it is in your best interest to not be late and miss a distribution.

Find all the public information about Founding StarGarden Dormant Traits in this medium article.

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