StarGarden Overstack

A powerful effect that lets you join a capped StarGarden.

StarGardens initially are capped to 5 players. As players cooperate to complete Quests and Domain Challenges, the StarGarden advances in various Domains and at key milestones the player capacity will go up. We are planning the capacity of any StarGarden to ultimately grow to 40 players but this cap may change as we continue development.

But if a player has a Title, a StarGarden can accept ONE player over its capacity!

The Overstack ability granted by a title lets you join a StarGarden that's already full!

But if multiple players have Titles, Overstack will only allow the cap to be exceeded by one player. The exception to this rule is Unique Titles. A second (only) player can exceed the cap in this rare case. All players on the StarGarden engage in all activities on the StarGarden as usual, including Tribe vs Tribe battles. The asymmetrical matchmaker accommodates these edge cases.

Game items that generate StarGarden Overstack:

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