Prelüde Creatures

Creatures are tradable digital collectibles that you can send on battles to get rewards.

  • Each creature has an associated size, domain provenance, two classes, and in some cases, a (merging) multiplier.

  • There are 8 domains in Prelüde, each containing 8 creatures, for a total of 64 creatures.

  • As you send your creatures to battle, they gain XP. When max XP is reached, you can upgrade them to a higher size within that creature's domain (this is a choice made by the player since upgrading a creature will affect the size of your inventory and could propel you to a higher battle tier). In each domain, creatures start at size 2 and can be upgraded up to size 50.

  • We partnered with Fractal to release a limited amount of Fractal collectible creatures within their community. These creatures are part of a promotional event and therefore do not have the ability to gain XP or be upgraded.

You can purchase creatures from our marketplace, from other players, or try to catch them in our Discord server for free. More than 5,500 creatures have found homes in our players' wallets so far.

Last updated