Ingredients For Crafting

Prelüde lets you craft powerful game items that will never be made available again; and you will need ingredients to craft them.

This section explains:

  • How you can use the ingredients earned from winning battles to craft rare items

  • The unique powers these items hold

Ingredients are the main crafting material used throughout Prelüde. You can use these ingredients only in the Forge. They are used to craft Founding Aurahma, Aurahma Halos, and Titles.

There are 3 ways you can get ingredients:

Ingredients come in 4 tiersT1, T2, T3, T4:

  • T1 is called Sacred Silverplume (most common)

  • T2 is called Illuminated Matter

  • T3 is called Aurah-Scented Rain

  • T4 is called Strand of the Ancients (rarest)

As you win battles and XP up your creatures, your battle tier increases, and the quality of the ingredients you receive increases as well.

Since you will need higher tier ingredients to craft higher tier items, you will need to increase your inventory power by buying more creatures or XP'ing up your current creatures (or both).

For example, crafting Tier 1 items require a lot of Tier 1 ingredients, and a lesser amount of Tier 2 and Tier 3 ingredients. Tier 3 items use no Tier 1 ingredients, but a lot of Tier 4 ingredients.

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