Daily Battles

Every 24 hours, you unlock 3 battles that are generated based on the cumulative size of the creatures in your inventory.

Each time you open a daily battle, you will be faced with a number of enemy creatures and your goal is to optimally assign your creature to your enemy. Since each friendly and enemy creature has 2 classes, there is strategy involved in matching them, because each will have strengths and weaknesses against other creatures.

Once you are finished assigning, you can start the battle. The battles are idle: a loading screen will appear during battle, and another screen once it is over to display the results. You will receive the results after a couple seconds.

There are two phases of the battle: assigning your creatures to opponents, and the battle itself, which the AI runs instantly in the background once you press "Launch Battle." You cannot start preparing for your second battle whilst the first is still running.

Each daily battle can be lost (no rewards gained), partially won, or won completely (you defeat ALL enemy creatures).

When you win battles, the creatures automatically gain XP and you will receive ingredients that you can use to craft, upgrade, or customize game items.

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