Aurahma Halos & Super Founding Aurahma

A Halo is a trait that gives game utility to an Aurahma when it is attached.

It can only be attached to a Founding Aurahma and transforms it into a Super Founding Aurahma.

With their Halos, Super Founding Aurahma have unique utility before and during the StarGarden game:

  • They gift goodies to their owners periodically in Prelüde and the StarGarden Game. During Prelüde these goodies will be in the form of Aurahma Traits.

  • They also earn their owners Domain Mastery Bonus and Domain Affinity in the full StarGarden game.

Upgrading your Founding Aurahma with Halos can only happen during our limited-time playable event, Prelüde, and not all Aurahma can be become gifters as the spots are limited.

How do you acquire a Halo?

  • You can craft it in our Forge in exchange for ingredients.

  • You can buy it from another player in our marketplace.

Last updated