
Enter a land of mystery, opportunity, and awe-inspiring technomagic. A land of hope. And destruction.

Long, long ago, this was a sacred kingdom, a technologically advanced utopia teeming with awe-inspiring creatures and societies. But that rich history has since been torn apart by a calamitous war between Gods—rival factions, locked horns in a seemingly endless conflict for Aurah, the sacred life-force that unites all things in this world.

The Glutton Gods, seeking to consume and hoard Aurah for themselves, eventually plunged Eleriah into utter disarray; and the Divine Gods, sworn keepers of this realm, went into hiding.

As the cataclysm raged on, chunks of the mainland broke loose and lifted up into the sky, where they now orbit Eleriah as floating masses known as StarGardens—fleeting reminders of this paradise, lost.

Aurahs light began to wane…

Eleriah fell into a deep slumber…

And all its creatures and civilizations plunged into a dreamless stalemate…

Until you came.

The moment has arrived for humanity to cross the threshold and breach into this new frontier, to awaken the Gods and restore this once beautiful place. Aloft in the StarGardens, you will encounter powerful creatures, awaken your spirit guides, and uncover riches and rewards that will push the limits of your imagination.

You will forge your identity in the digital unknown, your unique fingerprint in the Project Eluüne universe.

You will not only uncover the many secrets of this world, but also determine its fate as you realize your destiny among its diverse cities, tribes, and communities.

Perhaps most importantly of all, you will restore life to this place, battling creatures, reawakening Aurah, and settling this dispute between powerful Gods, once and for all. For this is your mission: to found a new nation, to mend what has been broken, to answer the Call of Eluüne.

The future of the twenty Domains of Eleriah rests in your hands as you establish your reputation as part of the Luüne Legion and connect with your tribe among the StarGardens.

Only Together We Transcend.

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