
Creature size information

Every 24 hours, you unlock 3 battles that are generated based on the cumulative size of the creatures in your inventory. This cumulative size is based on 2 factors that are multiplied together:

  • The number of creatures you have

  • The size of each of your creatures

For example, if you have 3 size 40 creatures, then you have a size 120 wallet:

  • 3 creatures x size 40 = size 120 wallet

If you have 1 size 20 creature and 2 size 40 creatures, then you have a size 100 wallet:

  • 1 creature x size 20 = size 20

  • 2 creatures x size 40 = size 80

  • Size 20 + size 80 = size 100 wallet

Within a domain, each of the 8 creatures has a size attribute that acts as a unique identifier within that domain. There can only be one creature of a certain size in a domain. You would not be able to have two size 40 creatures of the same name. When one of your creatures has reached full XP and you upgrade it to its next size level, it literally means it is more powerful than its predecessor.

Below, the creature is size 2, and when its XP bar is full, it can be upgraded to the next creature in the Mycon Depths domain.

Last updated