Domain Mastery Bonus

A powerful effect that helps you specialize faster in Domain tech trees.

TLDR: Domain Mastery speeds up the rate at which you level up in that specific Domain. This results in your being able to recruit larger creatures earlier in that Domain.

Domain Mastery is individual to you as a player, and determines the highest level of Creatures you can recruit in a Domain. You will have separate Domain Mastery progression in all 20 Domains. A player earns advancement in Domain Mastery by deploying Creatures to the 8 daily Tribe vs Tribe battles in the main StarGarden game. Which creatures you send will determine how much and which Domain Mastery is raised. So if you only own and deploy Fey Havens Creatures, you will generate Fey Havens Domain Mastery very quickly, but not advance in the other Domains.

Having a Domain Mastery bonus from an appropriate Title, Halo, or both will give a small (single digit %) bonus to Domain Mastery rewards from every Tribe vs Tribe battle. Unique Titles give a moderate bonus to progression in ALL Domain Masteries, but you still have to deploy Creatures to Tribe vs Tribe to get this.

To learn more about Tribe vs Tribe battles, and Domain Progression please vist our StarGarden white paper.

Game items that generate Domain Affinity:

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